What does it mean to be blue? The wings of a Morpho butterfly are some of the most brilliant structures in nature, and yet they contain no blue pigment -- th...
The blue morpho butterfly is one of the most striking living things on the planet. My favorite color is azure which is more of a blue grey. The interesting thing about the color blue is quite rare in nature, even blueberries are more of a deep purple. The blue morpho butterfly actually isn’t blue, the wings of the butterfly are coated with iridescent scales that fool the eye. I have always wanted to buy a framed specimen but I may get a nice picture instead. The blue morpho is native to Latin America and if you are aware of the threat to our rainforests primarily logging and cattle ranches the butterfly may become extinct.
The BBC is telling children aged nine to twelve that there are more than 100 different gender identities. Read more: https://www.christian.org.uk/news/bbc-te...
The Blue Star gender. Have you met anyone that told you they were literally a star? Stargender is a gender with at least three different meanings: “Identifying one's gender as a star. Subgenders also exist. For example, a person might identify themself as a blue star, therefore being an O-star gender or B-star gender. If they identify as a star radiating longer wavelengths, A-star gender, F-star gender, or G-star gender are more accurate terms. In addition, a star person might self-identify as a binary or multiple star system. For example, a person self identified as a binary yellow-orange system with a lonely red dwarf is a GKM-star gender, like the Alpha Centauri system. Under this definition, this is another kind of identity, not a gender one. The second is “an other-worldly/non-human gender” which is likened to being beyond comprehension. The third is “no matter how many genders are discovered/coined, none would match for the person.” I have read the definition many times and the longer I read it the more I am confused, even the trans community hasn’t consigned the Blue Star gender. We are in part made of stardust but this is a stretch beyond even the transracial movement.
How to make an immortal work of art.Watch Love, Death & Robots on Netflix:https://www.netflix.com/title/80174608SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/29qBUt7About Netflix...
Zima Blue is an animated short film about a world renowned artist, perhaps the greatest of all time as far as sheer scale. This guy actually created paintings larger than the pyramids. The film is actually one of many in the Netflix series Love, Death, Robots. There is so much to this story you just have to watch it! The LOVE, DEATH, ROBOTS series in my opinion is a must see for animation, sci fi, and film lovers in general. The photorealism of the CGI in many of the episodes is mind blowing. The series is a must buy for collectors, imagine Fantasy Fantasy Spirits Within and The Animatrix broken up into a series of films as far as animation style and subject matter. Check it out!