The Color Orange

the color orange color theory


Agent Orange

More than 2,000 U.S. airmen will be compensated for exposure to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. What has the herbicide done to their bodies? Follow Clif...

Agent Orange was used as a defoliant or herbicide during the Vietnam war. The tragic thing about this chemical is that it was highly toxic to the environment and carcinogenic. This substance was supposed to be used strategically to clear foliage however it was often used as a weapon against the Vietnamese people. Immediate effects of exposure burn the lungs or skin, and a wide range of birth defects Another unfortunate effect of the war was the number of American soldiers who came home and later developed cancer.

Duck Sauce

Ingredients: Peach: 250-300 g or 9-11 oz Water: 1 cup or 235 mL Sugar: 1/2 cup or 100 g Salt: 1/2 tsp Vinegar: 2 tbsp Garlic: 1 cloves or 5 g or 0.18 oz Onio...

Duck sauce not made from ducks! It is made of plums, apricots, pineapples or peaches added to sugar, vinegar, ginger, and chili peppers. It’s said that duck sauce gets its name because it was primarily used in the Chinese dish Peking Duck. There are a few recipes online I may try.

Bell X-1

Yeager flew faster than the speed of sound in the experimental Bell XS-1 rocket plane.

The Bell X-1 was the first plane to break the sound barrier. The design of the plane itself was revolutionary for the time. Test pilots have to be some of the craziest people on the planet, I wonder how many planes crashed before they got it right. The retro look of the plane almost makes it look like a rocketship from 50s SciFi movies. Supersonic flight is now a common thing and the military has been developing hypersonic launch vehicles and has put a spaceplane in orbit.